Lifting lockdown – protect your precious coffee moments
Over the last year, we’ve come to appreciate the little things in life. With cinemas, sports centres, bars and restaurants closed, we’ve had to find fun and enjoyment in the smaller everyday indulgencies; the warmth of the sun on your face, sliding into bed between crisp linen sheets, or starting the day with an almost meditative, coffee brewing ritual.
But things are about to change. Spring is in the air. The sun is out, the birds are singing, and Mother’s Day is just around the corner, bringing with it the prospect of seeing family and friends in person once more.
The Government has said that from the 8th March we can meet one other person outside for ‘recreation’. So, yes, you can finally actually meet up with your Mum, over a scotch egg … or, as many of us might prefer, a smooth cup of filter coffee and a cinnamon bun.
But to return to life exactly as it was before, we would be short-changing ourselves.

Wouldn’t it be perfect if we could remember what we’ve learned about cherishing those little things in life, sharing them with the people we love; bringing a more mindful way of life to this increasingly stressful post-pandemic world?
For example, by replacing the pandemic walk and talk with taking time out for a chatte over a latte with your bestie.
According to Boris’ exit plan, from the 29th March you’ll be able to pack up the picnic basket with your favourite thermos and the Victoria Sandwich extravaganza you spent last summer perfecting, and share it with up to six others (or more if only from two households). With a coffee in hand, you’ll stretch back in the spring sunshine and let the conversation flow as you enjoy your perfected masterpiece with friends.
By the middle of April, we’ll hopefully be able to pop down the local or soak up the café culture at our favourite haunts when outdoor hospitality opens up.

Then, even as we slip our feet back beneath our office desks, we still don’t have to compromise our special moments. By swapping the office instant for Bean Bags, you can keep appreciating your coffee, and use those sacred coffee breaks for a moment of indulgence.

And for the lazy Sunday mornings, whether it’s a ‘Full English’ with family, or a Fino Latino moment with friends, we should try and hold on to what we’ve learned this last year and cherish all the moments we can – ideally, with a coffee in hand.