In some ways Raw Bean might well be considered a young upstart in the fashionable world of thoughtful, well-grooved coffee and yet we’re not uncomfortable with the new bean on the block tag, because in the blink of an eye, we’ve established a proud Waitrose stronghold, won a few Great Taste awards and even been flattered by an Independent Newspaper review that described us as one of the very best single origin coffees in town.
Our introduction to the fine coffee fixture has certainly been promising, but as we all know it’s how one ends not starts the race that really matters, which is why moving forward we want to do everything in our power to convince you to give up your everyday brew for something a little more substantial.
IN TRUTH our outlook is really rather straightforward (We work for the greater good of your taste buds!)
Top quality beans, wonderful aromas, beguiling blends & the freshness of the offer is really all that really matters, because anything else is fluff!